First Five Episodes of DGP Published

My first experience sitting behind a microphone was in college. I was co-host of a basketball-centered sports radio show with my good friend MC.

It was all for fun. He was a journalism major, and I loved talking SPORTS. Watched too many. Supported too many.

Where did I get all this time? Better question, why did I allocate my time so poorly?

Gradually, more and more of my energy and focus was consumed by The Arsenal. It became the entire focus in my twenties. And it was miserable. But this is a new era.

The last three seasons, the club has been building something every supporter should feel good about.

The next handful of seasons are shaping up to be filled with enticing emotions, and hopefully, trophies. So, it only felt fitting to sit behind the microphone again and launch something I’m dearly passionate about, talking football with footballing people.

This year, with help from another good friend, Stephen, we launched the District Gooner Pod. We’re learning a lot and having a lot of fun too.

The first five episodes are out now. Give them a listen, and if you feel the vibe, follow or rate the show!

Thanks for being on this journey and reading this note.